Video Training in the Hope Focused Approach

Everett L. Worthington, Jr. and Jennifer S. Ripley


Dr. Worthington and Dr. Ripley created a training video series for those desiring expertise in the Hope Focused Approach to Couples Counseling.  These videos were created by the Center for Teaching and Learning at Regent University.  They include lecture material from Dr. Worthington on his approach and clinical demonstrations with actor-couples by Dr. Worthington and Dr. Ripley.

These training videos are available online at no cost.

The videos below are used for training in the HFCA towards a certificate

Introduction to the Hope Approach - Lecture

Overview of the Approach - Lecture

Clinical Assessment and Feedback - Lecture

Giving Feedback - Demonstration

Communication and Conflict Resolution Interventions - Lecture

Marriage Covenant Intervention - Demonstration

TANGO Communication Intervention - Lecture

TANGO Demonstration - Demonstration

Conflict Resolution Techniques - Lecture

Closeness Interventions: CLEAVE and Use of Space - Lecture

Forgiveness Interventions:  FREE and REACH - Lecture

Forgiveness Theory and Research:  Decisions and Emotions - Lecture

REACH:  5 Step Model of Forgiveness - Lecture

Sculpting Forgiveness Technique: An Early Session - Demonstration

Sculpting Forgiveness Technique: A Later Session - Demonstration

FREE Reconciliation with Couples in Therapy - Lecture

Below this is supplementary learning (not necessary for Hope Focused Certificate/training)

A case with Dr Ripley and Dr. Sells

Dr. Ripley and her colleague Dr. Jim Sells demonstrating  couples intake and counseling with an actor couple - Demonstration

A case - working on increasing emotional attachment, emotional softening goals

Role Play Part 1: Introduction - Lecture

Role Play Part 1: Scene 1 - Lecture

Role Play Part 1: Scene 2 - Demonstration

Role Play Part 1: Scene 3 - Demonstration

Role Play Part 1: Scene 4 - Demonstration

Role Play Part 1: Conclusion - Lecture

Role Play: What not to do with Conflict - Demonstration

Role Play Part 2: Introduction - Lecture

Role Play Part 2: Scene 1 - Demonstration

Role Play Part 2: Scene 2 - Demonstration

Role Play Part 2: Scene 3 - Demonstration

Role Play Part 2: Conclusion - Lecture